Bonjour et bienvenue aux nouveaux membres des Amitiés Françaises,,

I hope you had a good Summer and are eager to go back to your routine.   I looked at and saw that our first meeting will be with a new speaker and a new topic, very exciting!

Event: Les Français et leur État

Presenter: Christian Michel

Date: 19th September 2024

Time: 19:30

La France et l’Angleterre partagent une histoire commune, plus proches l’une de l’autre, même au travers des conflits, que de n’importe quel autre pays. Pourtant les institutions politiques et judiciaires de ces deux pays n’ont pas cessé de diverger.
Pourquoi la relation des Français avec leur État est-elle si différente de celle des Britanniques ? D’où vient cette tradition française de dirigisme, dépendance et défiance, si étrangère à la mentalité d’ici ? Est-ce le Royaume-Uni qui est insulaire ou la France ? Des premières invasions franques et anglo-saxonnes, 1066 et tout ça, la Magna Carta, le Roi-Soleil, 1648 et 1789, jusqu’au code Napoléon et Brexit, nous survolerons les étapes d’une longue et tumultueuse séparation.
Time to renew your membership.  A number of us have done so and new people have joined.  JohnPetty has sent members very detailed emails.  Briefly, we know the cost has not changed this year (£30) and we also know the best way to renew is through 
John also announced that we will meet in a new venue, the Oglethorpe Hall in the Wilfrid Noyce Centre, in the Crown Court Car Park in the centre of Godalming. 
We are also continuing to use the ZOOM video application for those members who prefer to link up from home. The link to connect to the ZOOM lecture is sent out the day before the lecture. The additional benefit of ZOOM is that it allows members living some distance away from Godalming, the ability to link in and see the lectures.
Our October meeting will be on 17 October. That is also the date of the AGM which starts at 7pm and is for members only.
Also for members only, the Cercle Littéraire starts on 23 September (details from Juliet
and the WhatsApp group.  Please let me have your mobile phone number if you’d like to joint the WhatsApp group,  mine is 07887775426.  We exchange photos, stories, news of French films locally or on tv, cartoons etc.. in French. 
Bien cordialement,
Catherine Crossley