The 34th Annual General Meeting of Les Amitiés Françaises de Godalming  (formerly Les AmitiésFrançaises de Waverley). was held on Thursday 19th October 2023 at 7 p.m. at the Guildford Rugby Pavilion and by ZOOM Video-conference.



  1. Attendance and apologies:

29 members were present at the Guildford Rugby Pavilion and 15 attended via ZOOM video-conferencing.

Apologies were received from Juliet Jackson; Graham Moore and Sarah Gall.

  1. Minutes of the 2022 AGM:

The minutes were approved as being a true record of the meeting.

 Proposed by Lesley Myles

Seconded by Joy Woodham

Vote in favour: Unanimous

  1. Matters Arising:

There were no matters arising


  1. To take note of attached report of the Programme for 2022-2023

The report listed the different lectures held throughout the year, which were held using a hybrid system which included members on ZOOM and members who physically met at the Guildford Pavilion. We will continue to use this `hybrid` solution for future lectures.


  1. To take note of attached report from the Cercle Littéraire.

The report listed and described the many different books read and discussed by the members during 2022 -2023. If anyone would like to join the Cercle Littéraire, please contact Juliet Jackson at

  1. To take note of attached report from the Membership Secretary

The major point raised by the Membership Secretary was that there were currently 63 paid up members.


  1. Receiving the Annual Report (which comprises all the Reports mentioned in Minutes 4 to 6) and Accounts

Alan Liddle stated that the accounts had been examined by our Independent Examiner who had signed off the accounts. These had been approved by the Committee. The members accepted that they had received the accounts and read them. Members raised no questions on the Annual Report and Accounts.

Proposer: Mary Gow

Seconder: Julia King

The vote in favour of receiving the Annual Accounts was unanimous.


  1. Election of Officers

Alan Liddle stated that as we have not received any other nominations, he asked for approval for the re-election of all members of the committee; i.e. Carol Liddle (President, Programme and Events); Brian John (Treasurer); Catherine Crossley (Publicity and Communications); John Petty (Membership) and Alan Liddle (Secretary). We are very pleased to announce that Christine Curley has joined the committee to help with the Communications.

Their re-election was proposed by Lesley Myles and seconded by Joy Woodham and agreed unanimously.

Lesley Myles thanked the committee for all the work they do, and especially keeping all the lectures, Cercle and Events going throughout the COVID period.

  1. O.B.

10.1 Lecture formats and ZOOM

Alan Liddle opened the discussion with our current vision on the use of ZOOM. We will continue to use ZOOM for those people living some distance away, or those not wishing to leave their homes, particularly during the winter period. However, it is also our intention to continue to utilise the Broadwater Pavilion, whilst still utilising ZOOM.